Unravelling to Recognition, 2019

Multimedia Installation
Maitland Regional Art Gallery

February - May, 2019

Installed in the Project Space at Maitland Regional Art Gallery, Unravelling to Recognition was an immersive interpretation of a time of deep personal reflection, made of approximately 50sqm of paper, projected moving image and a soundscape created by music producer Sean Ballenden.

Unravelling To Recognition, 2020
multimedia installation
video projection, paper, timber dowel, charcoal, cotton, beaded sequined embroidered garment yoke
sound by Sean Ballenden
garment yoke donated from private collection of Leonie Smith

The paper from this installation now exists as the handmade paper for woodblock prints for A Dedication to Meditation which was included in Upriver Downriver at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.


Threads to Her Roots, 2019